Our Process














We're with you all the way.

Many of our clients have long-term advisors - an attorney, or a CPA.  We supplement and coordinate the work these advisors do for your estate, retirement and business owner planning. Specifically, we look at all areas of your financial plan and pull them together in a cross-disciplinary manner to most effectively help meet your financial confidence and asset preservation needs and objectives.

No more guesswork.

Without the help of an accurate, focused and long-range financial model, you aren't planning. You're just guessing.

We have access to software that allows us to create an individualized "financial condition model" for you. This model can reveal:

  • The long-term adequacy of your current financial resources and plans.
  • A comparative analysis of financial planning strategies you're considering or already have in place.
  • The impact of future changes in your personal or family situation, asset values, taxes or inflation.

We help you see the big picture.

Inflation. Changing tax laws. Volatile financial markets. Evolving personal, business and family circumstances. It can be overwhelming to keep up with or, for that matter, respond to the implications of every financial event that may impact you. And you don't have to - it's our job. Here's how we can help:

Retiring with a sense of confidence.

Leave as little as possible to chance. That's our number one rule in helping our clients enjoy the confident retirement they deserve and desire.

Investing with confidence.

Once we help identify your objectives, assess your risk tolerance and scrutinize your portfolio, we can suggest the appropriate asset allocation strategy. Based on your own preferences, we'll recommend specific investment strategies to help you to reach your goals.

Getting educated.

When it comes to preparing for your children's or grandchildren's education, you may need help. We stay on top of changing tax rules that affect education funding and can help you determine the appropriate way to approach this need.

Reducing the burden of estate taxes.

Proper planning is the key to helping to minimize your estate settlement costs and preserving more of your estate. Without it, estate taxes can claim up to one half of everything you own.

Succeeding in business succession.

Today, fewer than one-third of family businesses survive to the second generation, and only about 12% make it to the third.1 So, whether you plan to retain or sell your business at death, disability or retirement, you need expertise to develop a succession plan that will also help to maximize the tax and financial benefits to you and your family.

Building the foundation.

A big part of keeping your dreams alive is safeguarding your family's financial situation.  How are you managing the risks of premature death, disability and health care?

We know financial planning like nobody's business.

Dougherty, Tedesco & Associates is a premier financial planning organization. Our affiliation with LPL Financial provides comprehensive support to our clients, along with advanced technology and the best people at both the local and national levels.

The Partner of Choice

As a company, we believe in providing our clients with clear strategies in a complex world. We believe in "service - first, last and always." We believe that long term customer relationships are more important than short-term gains, and will never sacrifice the former for the latter.

Conviction in what we do; the courage to get our clients to take action; competency based on continuing education and training; and communication that builds understanding and continued trust - these are the commitments we make to each of our clients.

So if you're looking to create, preserve and safeguard your wealth, the partner of choice is clear: Dougherty & Associates.

1 Source: Joseph Astrachan, Ph.D., editor, Family Business Review, as cited by Family Firm Institute, August 2001.


Step 1

The first step is to gather the necessary data to help ensure a thorough understanding of your situation. This becomes the basis for the creation of a financial model, which is used to evaluate your current financial situation. It will show your current asset allocation, your net worth, the direction and rate of its change, your cash flow, income and estate tax liability and other items. Also, we'll review your wills and trusts, contracts, and any other legal arrangements you've created.

Step 2

Step two is to develop your personal financial objectives. Frequently, our clients say "it's to make sure that I have a source of income that I cannot outlive, and secondarily, to leave a legacy for my family, and, perhaps the community". But often it's more complex, and involves thinking about things that you have never considered, prompted by questions that perhaps you have never been asked.

Step 3

Step three consists of identifying problems or gaps that are present in your current planning. This is basically a process of reconciling the likely outcome based upon your current arrangements, with your desired outcome as described in your objectives. It is in this third step that the full benefit of the planning process becomes apparent. Issues that you never thought of, problems that you never realized existed will be identified - simply because your financial picture was never so completely developed, and your objectives never so clearly and completely stated.

Step 4

Step four entails the development of recommendations - specific strategies for implementation. Equipped with pro's and con's of each, and an economic model to determine their impact, you'll be in a position to determine what is appropriate for you. Many strategies you will elect to implement, some now, some in the future, others you will reject. But the decision will be yours. The agreed upon strategies will be reduced to writing in a comprehensive report. 

Step 5

The fifth step is implementation. This is where your other advisors will be most instrumental. You will have a game plan, a specific course of action to take to your attorney. Armed with this information, he or she will be in a position to help you. He or she will draft or amend the required documents. Your CPA will be instrumental in the documentation of many of the strategies involved.

Again, there are strategies that had you not first determined your basis (your objectives), and a method of evaluation (the financial model), then you would not have been equipped to pursue them.

Step 6

Step six is the ongoing review process. At least annually, an update of your plan should be done to encompass any changes in the economy and the tax law, as well as in your personal situation and objectives. As a result of this process, you can be comfortable that your plan continues to be up to date.

Dougherty, Tedecso & Associates and LPL Financial do not provide specific individualized tax or legal advice.  We suggest that you discuss your specific situation with a qualified tax or legal advisor.